Transformative Change in South African Media & What about the unjustified censoring of the articles exposing the police Cato Manor death squad?

Aris Danikas
3 min readDec 13, 2023



The evolution of media coverage in South Africa has witnessed significant progress in recent years, with a noticeable shift toward a more diverse and inclusive journalistic practice. This transformation is not only a reflection of the country’s commitment to democratic transparency but also a vital step toward healing and reconciliation, given the nation’s complex history. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of this transition, highlighting the role of whistleblowers, the importance of truthful narratives, and the impact of media representation on social power dynamics.

The Rise of Diverse Voices in South African Media

One of the most significant changes in the South African media landscape is the increasing presence of voices from marginalized communities. Journalists of color are now more prominent in sharing stories and perspectives that were once suppressed or ignored. This shift has led to a more balanced and truthful narrative, providing a platform for underrepresented voices to be heard. For instance, the Cato Manor death squad case, which was previously concealed, has gained renewed attention, thanks to the bravery of whistleblowers and media outlets’ commitment to uncovering the truth.

Whistleblowers: Vital in Uncovering Corruption and Injustice

Whistleblowers play a crucial role in exposing corruption and injustice, often at personal risk. In South Africa, the willingness of sources to come forward has been a defining feature of the media’s ability to hold those in power accountable. The dismantling of the Cato Manor death squad is a prime example of the impact of whistleblowers, as well as the need for media outlets to acknowledge and protect these individuals. By giving a platform to whistleblowers, human rights organizations and the media can help bring about justice and transparency, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and inclusive society.

Truthful Narrative and Media Representation

The ability of journalists to operate without fear of retaliation or censorship is another significant improvement in the South African media landscape. This shift reflects a broader commitment to inclusivity and equity in journalistic practice, which is essential for a democratic society. When a wider range of voices is represented in the media, it creates a more informed and engaged public. Moreover, media representation and narrative control are crucial aspects of social power dynamics. By giving a platform to diverse voices, the media can help redress past injustices and create a more just and equitable society.

In the past, a Sunday Times team of journalists, in collaboration with an international media outlet, attempted to investigate and uncover the illegal actions of a specialized police unit in KZN South Africa, that through my own eyes and experience, utilized ex Apartheid interrogative and investigative prohibited procedures, such as torture and extra-judicial killings. Whistleblowers that witnessed and documented firsthand such behavior, were character assassinated for coming out . Due to racial interference at the time, dirty politics, corruption within the government, as well as media bullying, the articles were withdrawn. As a result, the judiciary suffered and was compromised. The case was dropped 8 years later.

An independent panel by Judge (retired) Kathleen Satchwell, investigated the withdrawal of the Cato Manor articles as well as a prestige award received previously, and questioned such an inappropriate intervention by the Sunday Times editors to suppress free speech.


The transformative change in the South African media is a hopeful trend toward inclusivity and justice in storytelling and news reporting. This shift demonstrates the power of media in shaping public discourse and promoting social justice. As the world witnesses this transformation, it sets an example for media outlets globally, highlighting the importance of diverse voices, whistleblower protection, and truthful narratives. By correcting past media errors instead of killing a story — starting with revisiting evidence, interviewing whistleblowers, witnesses and families of victims based on actual facts, the Cato Manor death squad “false media coverage narrative”, can be historically corrected.

The underprivileged and the voiceless can finally be heard, and the South African media can continue to lead the way in promoting democratic transparency and social justice. Ultimately, this transition toward a more inclusive and equitable media landscape has the potential to heal and reconcile a nation with a complex history, while serving as a model for media outlets worldwide.



Aris Danikas

Studied & worked in S. Africa, before I was forced into exile after my public disclosures as a whistleblower. Human rights & WB advocate, CEO BluePrint Greece.